Wall Art Collection

Acrylic Wall Art Collection

Perfect mounting
for a one-of-kind design
With its clean and elegant lines, Acrylic Pro is the combination of top quality materials and state-of-the-art inkjet printing. The mounting, perfect in every part, gives this product a premium look, worthy of a professional photographer.
Canvas Wall Art Collection

All around perfection!
The back panel, available in different colors, is obtained from a rigid monoblock, perfect in every aspect, including the edges and angles with precision to the millimeter. No need to hide the back panel. There are no staples or unsightly mounting. All around perfection!
A thin canvas, soft to the touch without stretch or bounce – a work of art.
The most noble and classic form of artistic printing finds a new look thanks to the Canvas Pro. The warmth of the cotton fabric, the deep saturated colors, the textile texture that charms at first touch, are all assembled to perfection on a non-deformable planar element. Soft but doesn’t stretch like other products currently on the market. Design and tradition unite to amaze you.